Support for Dr. Wang's Release


The Honourable M.P. Irwin Cotler Call for the Release of Prisoner of Conscience Wang Bingzhang (October 2013).

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Obama Should Press Xi on Human Rights in China (June 2013).

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15 Members of Congress write to President Obama.

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Family Members of Dr. Wang Bingzhang write letter to President Obama and PM Harper.

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Ti-Anna Wang Speaks at Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy

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Letter from Senator Feinstein to Ambassador Wenzhong

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Letter from Frank Wolf to Condoleezza Rice

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Pelosi Letter to Chinese President Asking for Release of Prisoners of Conscience

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UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Decision 2003

See PDF version here.


Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the arbitrary detention of Dr. Wang Bingzhang by the Government of the People's Republic of China and urging his immediate release.

Canadian House of Commons 37th Parliament, 2nd Session

See PDF version here.

Support Chinese Human Rights Activists, Freedom House Tells Obama on Eve of Visit (Nov. 2009)

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Recognizing the 17th anniversary of the massacre in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, in the People's Republic of China, and for other purposes. See PDF version here.